Our Mission Statement
The mission of Bear Creek Winery and Lodging is to provide a unique experience for our guests and exceed their expectations.
To achieve this we make it a priority to attend to every detail, use the highest quality fruits available, and deliver unequaled customer service. Our goal is that our guests leave feeling like they are friends and family. Bear Creek is committed to extending our concept of family beyond our patrons to our community and the environment. We embrace Eco Friendly and Buy Local philosophies in our business decisions.
Green Business Policy
Bear Creek strives to minimize our business’ operational impact on the environment through resource conservation and best practices. We believe an integrated environmental policy is an important part of any successful business. We embrace our responsibility for environmental stewardship and are committed to integrating leading environmental practices and sustainability principles into our core business strategy.
Alternative, Green Energy Efforts
We had a 45 kW capacity solar system installed on our fermentation facility in 2022. It provides roughly half of the necessary electricity for the building annually.
In addition we have a wind power generation unit at our tasting room that has been in operation since 2009
Bottle Reuse Program
We collect, clean and reuse our wine bottles. In a cooperative effort, many of our regular customers bring their bottles back to the winery after emptying them. Our local restaurants aid Bear Creek in our efforts to be green and keep our bottles so that we can collect them.
We welcome all of our patrons to join us in easing our impact on the environment and bring their empty bottles back to our tasting room.
Our Local Efforts
We aim to keep every aspect of Bear Creek Winery as local as it can get. It is our goal to showcase the best of what Alaska has to offer.
The fruits and berries that are used in the wine we make are purchased from people in our local community who harvest them. We receive anything from a gallon size ziploc bag of blueberries, to crates of apples and rhubarb.
Even if we are not able to buy Alaskan products, we try our best to purchase US made. We carry this ideal throughout the company, from gift shop items, to packaging materials (i.e. our bottles are made in Washington), to wine making equipment.